DOD Announces Implementation of the Brandon Act
DOD Announces Implementation of the Brandon Act This press release from the DOD announces the Brandon Act. This new policy will help service members seek mental health support in a confidential way. From the press release: Today Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Gilbert Cisneros, Jr. signed a policy to implement the…
Read MoreVeterans Day Registration Discount for SPTI’s February Workshop
One Suicide Is Too Many! The AP recently published an article on suicides in the Veteran and Active Duty communities, and the US military’s efforts to combat this epidemic. We encourage you to read it, especially while the country takes time to honor our Veterans. READ HERE In honor of Veterans Day, SPTI is proud to…
Read MoreSPTI Suicide Prevention Workshop August 2022
The Suicide Prevention Training Institute (SPTI) held this LivingWorks ASIST™ workshop at the end of August. The two-day face-to-face workshop featured powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations to teach skills to aid in the prevention of suicide. What can you expect from an ASIST workshop? From LivingWorks: At a LivingWorks ASIST workshop, you’ll learn how to…
Read MoreSPTI Welcomes Its Two Newest ASIST Trainers
Donita and Mary Ann attended the LivingWorks Training for Trainers workshop in August.
Read MoreRecent ASIST Workshop Attendee Rachel Talks About Her Experience
Rachel gives a summary of her experience at the ASIST workshop in Tampa, FL with SPTI
Read MoreVideo Interview with Dr. Copper and Chaplain Ehler
ASIST Training May 13-14 2022
The Suicide Prevention Training Institute (SPTI) held a LivingWorks ASIST™ on May 13-14. The two-day face-to-face workshop featured powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations to teach skills to aid in the prevention of suicide.
Read MoreLove IV Lawrence Foundation Grant
The Suicide Prevention Training Institute is honored to receive a grant from the Love IV Lawrence Foundation. The grant will provide LivingWorks ASIST Training for Trainers for two new Institute trainers, increasing our capacity to provide life-saving suicide prevention training. The Love IV Lawrence Foundation Board of Directors awarded the 2022 Competitive Grant to the…
Read MoreSPTI held a LivingWorks ASIST™ workshop
The Suicide Prevention Training Institute (SPTI) held a LivingWorks ASIST™ on May 24-25. The two-day face-to-face workshop featured powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations to teach skills to aid in the prevention of suicide. Workshop participants learned how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone…
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