Empower Teachers to Help Their Students
SPTI is proud to offer suicide prevention training for teachers. We are honored to support those who selflessly provide education, skills, and support to mold the minds of future generations.
The LivingWorks ASIST™ Workshop helps to reduce surface and underlying risk factors.
- Ability to identify those at risk of suicide provides an opportunity to reduce risk factors
- Developing a comprehensive School-based Suicide Prevention Program helps to educate and implement protocols on how to respond to at-risk students and staff
- School staff are encouraged to identify and network with local resources necessary for Suicide Prevention

Support Kids In Need
Adolescent years are a time of change, when young people may experience stress from many sources, including relationships with friends & family members, social media, and problems at school.
Between 2007-2017, the number of suicides among people ages 10 to 24 increased by 56%.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among teenagers.
Source: NCHS Data Brief No. 352 Death Rates Due to Suicide and Homicide Among Persons
Aged 10-24: United States 2000-2017 (Curtin and Heron, October 2019)
You Can Make a Difference
Get the skills to help save a life from suicide. Attend or host an ASIST™ suicide prevention training program in your community.